Video: Easy Ways To Financial Health
Submitted by Epoch Wealth Management on May 24th, 2019
Most consumers typically have both a credit card and a debit card. Of course, the biggest difference between the two is that a debit card will immediately take money out of your bank account when used, unlike a credit card, which will pay for the purchase and later add the amount of the transaction to your monthly statement.
But are there any other differences between the two?
If you’re currently considering purchasing investment property, there are an equal measure of risks and rewards. Like any investment, risk can be managed, but you want to be aware of the risks prior to investing in property. And like any investment, there can be rewards, some quite large.
We all have our own unique way of handling our finances. While some of us are natural born savers, others may have a hard time making it to the next paycheck. Fortunately, most of us fall somewhere in-between, putting away money at times, while making frivolous purchases at other times.
Donating money to our favorite charitable organization is a year-end ritual for many of us. While monthly giving has gained in popularity in recent years, most of us still tend to open up our wallets just a bit wider at the end of the year.
Has a dog or cat grabbed hold of your heart? It doesn’t take much. A paw on the arm. A lick on the nose, or a soft purr or whimper can turn most of us into dog or cat parents in minutes. With animal shelters across the U.S. frequently at their max, there are a record number of dogs and cats available for adoption.
As we draw closer to the last quarter of 2018, Americans are starting to think more about the changes to the U.S. tax code. Though the tax code has been tweaked in recent years, it’s been 27 years since the last major revision that took place under President Reagan.
Is your garage overflowing with bank statements and paid bills from ten years ago? Are you unsure about what documents need to be retained and what can be tossed? Speaking of tossing, what documents can be tossed in the trash, and which should be shredded? Are you wanting to finally get control of your documents?